In the factory, we can see all kinds of belts which is made of different materials, and many people should be interested in this question: what are leather belts made of? Here, the J.D. Leather Goods are sum up the main materials of belts.
Almost everybody wears belt but do you know how to decide the suitable size when you buy belts at shops? Most of us are not clear about it. Today let the factory give you the best answer.
Every year, lots of belts from China export to the rest of the world. While, where are leather belts manufactured? Today let's look at the story behind the belt.
Perhaps you are a retailer, catalog company, or independent designer, needing to produce your own belt, then, how do I manufacture my own belt with J.D. Leather Goods?
Dongguan, China, August 31, 2013 / J.D. Leather Goods. As a belt manufacturer in China, Dongguan J.D. Leather Goods is working to improve the belt making skills, so we held up this competition at the end of August. The Competition items included: Typing, Packing Detail Making, Punching, Slitting, Bonding, Skin-shoveling, Sewing, Buckle-fixed, Painting and Packing. Want to know more about this belt making skills competition, check the video below.