If you are a leather belts enthusiast,and you may have a lot of old leather belts,but how can I recycle old leather belts? Today, let the factory give you some tips.
It is the same way as three-string braiding, the only difference is the increase on leather string at both side and the outside of leather should move into inside and cross together.
Here, Let’s introduce the Three-string braiding, Five-string braiding and Seven-string braiding, the less pieces of string, the gaps will be larger, the more pieces of string, the braiding will be more intensive. This is kind of braiding is widely used in the belt. and can improve the edges of straps, which makes the belt more fashionable.
Eight braiding is more than six braiding two leather strings, but the braided method is consistent with the six braiding, mainly take the outermost leather string across the back, and then come out from the front.
Round braiding is the basic skill for braid rope. While braiding, we shall not mix the leather face and leather lining. Because when you turn the leather string backside to braid, the leather string may warp. It needs special attention.
Eight-string braided method is based on the six-string braided method, which add one leather string on both side on the six string method. Even it is eight strings, it would not in a mess.
The six-string braided method is based on the four-string braided method, you can image that increase a leather string on each side of the four-string braiding.