J.D. Leather Goods is a leather goods manufacturer in Guangdong Province of China, where is a big province of handbags manufacturing and exporting. J.D. is the keenest to understand current market quality requirements for PU Material as a manufacturer in China, so let’s talk about the PU material standard of China.
As a leather goods manufacturer, we must clearly understand the China PU material standards. The existing PU material standards in China have been basically able to meet the quality needs of handbag industry, PU material’s color fastness to rubbing/cracking, tensile strength(texture of material is not deformed after a slight stretch), thermostability (logo hot stamping etc.), cold resistance, PH, and so on are particularly concerned by factories.
On the basis of these physical properties, it is the most critical, is the basic requirement of the low toxicity of environmental protection.
As people's awareness of environmental protection, and gradually gaining international technical trade barriers, "low toxicity and environmental protection" has become the focus of the society and the problem we have to face. But handbags as objects in contact with the human body, the problem can not be ignored. Combination handbags is a physical process and do not include chemical reaction, safety and environmental protection of handbags rely mainly on the environmental protection of raw and auxiliary materials used.
Foreign environmental indicators for synthetic leather is very concerned, many EU directives are relevant. Ecolabelling abroad have been introduced and implemented for many years, such as the International Ecological Textiles "Okeo-Tex1 100 standard", eco-labeling EU "Eco-Lable standards", and many eco-labeling standards have covered handbag products. Eco-labeling and eco-labeling standards have become a form of trade barriers. Ministry of Environmental Protection in order to effectively cope with the international green trade barriers, the establishment of Chinese environmental standards, and by the end of 2009 released HJ507-2009 "technical requirements for environmental labeling products of leather and synthetic leather". PH, free formaldehyde, extractable heavy metals, chlorophenols, o-nonylphenols, dyes that can break down carcinogenic aromatic amines, odor and other indicators are limited by this standard. It also put forward disabled also for synthetic leather products volatile organic compounds, organic tin compounds, chlorinated benzene and chlorinated toluene proposed limits for hazardous substances used in the production of feed requirements. This standard advocates leather and synthetic leather enterprises to adopt environmentally friendly production process. At present, the leather industry associations involved in the development of the "Environmental labeling product technical requirements Luggage & Bags" environmental standards, Is in the approval stage now. We believe that these two standards will better regulate our synthetic leather market, to guide enterprises to consider the benefits and environmental protection and strike a balance.
Our factory will be in strict accordance with international standards to process PU for low toxicity and environmentally friendly leather goods.