The J.D. Leather Goods have passed factory audit by many customers, most of brands require factory to do factory audit. But do you know “what is the factory audit?”
Factory audit is also called factory inspection, and can be simply interpreted as factory examination. Generally, there are factory audits for human rights, products quality and anti-terrorism. Most of customers have requirement on their supplier in the terms of product quality, social responsibility (human rights) and anti-terrorism. So they will check condition of the factory before cooperation. They will decide to place order if there is no problems in the factory.
1. The Human Rights
- The mainly content is about the rights. The factory should have the responsibility to workers, make sure they are working in a good environment, prohibited to hire child labor, prison workers, discriminate against and oppress workers, the workers should have the rights to have the social community, and the factory should protest their rights in accordance with ILO and China Labor Law, such as the salary payment, working time etc.
- Working security, and extinguishing. The factory should make sure the working place is safe and clean, easy to escape when get fire and the environment is not harmful to health.
- Environmental protection. They mainly check the factory if they get the authority from the government, and the eco-friendly facilities can work well.
We accepted and passed the human rights audit by VF, PVH, Michael Kors, Tommy Hilfiger, Guess, Calvin Klein etc. please refer to “the factory’s audit list” to know factory audit by more customers.
2. The Quality
Every customers have different quality requirement on products quality, but they are mainly based on ISO9001 quality management system. Such as raw material inspection, process inspection, and productions inspection, production report, and management for all items, on-site 5S management etc.
The J.D. Leather Goods also passed the ISO9001 quality management system authentication.
3. Counter-terrorism
Counter-terrorism is not popularized and mainly required by American customers, from the worker’s personal security, document safety, to the products packaging and loading safety, to prevent inflammable and explosive dangerous goods into packaging and transported directly to the port, which is the potential security threat for the public.
Counter-terrorism aims at requiring factory to make sure the transportation and the end user is safe with their complete system. J.D. Leather Good also got the FAMA from Disney and FAMA is mainly about global counter-terrorism, you also can visit “What is FAMA(FACILITY AND MERCHANDISE AUTHORIZATION)?” to know more about the FAMA.
Many Customers regard Factory Audit as a very condition to cooperate. The J.D. Leather Goods always keep improving in every aspect, which also make us passed the factory audit by so many customers worldwide.